岡野慶子 プロフィール
keiko okano profile
埼玉県草加市生まれ born in saitama prefecture
東洋美術学校卒業graduated from toyo art college
Ever since I was a kid, I loved making things, drawing pictures and kneading clay.
It was in 1999 that I started my art activities in earnest.
At first I started drawing, but I was also interested in pottery, and about 10 years ago I started making pottery works.
In my work, paintings often make lyrical landscapes and creatures, and ceramics often make objects such as creatures and robots.
I would like to create a work that people who see it will sympathize with and feel something.
I try to create creatures by examining not only their appearance but also their ecology, behavior, and habitat.
Robots are also made by imagining the world in which the robot exists.Now I'm drawing cartoons with robots as characters.
●賞歴 ● Award
2003 絵本「君のかたち」 入選 Selected for the picture book "Kimi no Katachi"
2005 絵本「かえるくんと星のおはなし」 入選 Selected for the picture book "Kaeru-kun and the Story of the Stars"
手作り絵本・さわる絵本研究グループ連絡会 主催 Organized by the Handmade Picture Book / Touching Picture Book Research Group Liaison Committee
サンパル神戸市都市整備公社 後援 Sponsored by Sunpal Kobe City Urban Development Corporation
●仕事歴 ● Work history
小一学習技術・学習プリントのカット(小学館) Koichi Learning Technique / Cut of Learning Print (Shogakukan) Elementary School
小説「天界森儀」表紙・イラスト(碧天舎) Novel "Tenkai Morigi" cover / illustration (Aotensha)
RECO(カラオケ演奏をCDに録音するシステム)用CDジャケット(第一興商)CD jacket for RECO (system for recording karaoke performances on CD) (Daiichi Kosho)
@Fケータイ応援団(携帯の着信画面)(富士通) @F Keitai cheering party (incoming call screen of mobile phone) (Fujitsu)
シーラカンスストラップ(アクアマリンふくしま)coelacanth Strap (Aqua Marine Fukushima)
陶器・ロボット制作(ceramical reaction/Hong Kong) Pottery / robot production(ceramical reaction/Hong Kong)
陶器・ロボット制作(green flag/Hong Kong) Pottery / robot production(green flag/Hong Kong)
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